Thursday, June 20, 2024

Be in the Light and Be the Light

Cleveland has experienced a heat wave over the past few days. Right in time for the beginning of summer and the day with the longest amount of daylight in the year, the extreme temperatures have caused power outages and the resulting anxiety about how the blackout will last - should we try to go somewhere with power (and air conditioning), what should we do about the food in our refrigerator, how much charge does my cellphone have, should we gather candles and flashlights.

Thankfully, given the longer days and shorter nights during this time of year, that last worry about gathering handheld and small scale lights decreases. The sun won't set tonight until after 9:00 p.m. in Northeast Ohio, meaning that it will stay light until almost 10:00 p.m.

Growing up as a child and through my teenage years, I loved the longer periods of light and the many other ways in which light is associated with summer. 

Lightning bugs/fire flies.

Sparklers and fireworks. 

Bonfires/grills and smores. 

In the summer, especially in Northeast Ohio where it can otherwise be pretty cloudy, I just want to be in the light. 

But, there are consequences. 

Too much sun damages our skin.  

The summer sun brings with it intense heat.

At times, the light can be blinding, especially while driving.

Thanks to sunscreen, shelter, moisture wicking clothing, air conditioning, fans, and sunglasses we can enjoy the good parts of the sun while mitigating its negative effects. 

While today I will embrace the length of daylight and try in vain to keep the extra time with the sun throughout the year, I'm reminded of another kind of light that never fades or harms: the light of Christ. 

His light doesn't go out. It never burns or even gets too hot. 

It illuminates the true, good, and beautiful. It provides comfort, healing, relief, clarity.

Obviously, we can soak up the light of Christ through the Celebration of the Eucharist. 

Adoration offers another opportunity to bask in His glorious light. 

Similarly, the other Sacraments, especially penance, provide us with His light. Christ's light shines through the reading of Sacred Scripture. We experience His light when we look outside of ourselves and perform service to others. Christ's light glows when two or more are gathered in solidarity with Him and each other. The light of Christ chases away the darkness of ignorance through study in all forms, but especially about our faith.

And, the more time that we spend in Christ's light, the more that we, in turn, start to shine. 

Similar to something that glows in the dark only after exposure to light, we become a light for others only after our encounters and relationship with Jesus. 

This summer and always, be in the Light and be the light. 

Let it shine!