Friday, April 9, 2021


Fall on your knees in worship so that you might rise up in majesty.

Lift your hands and hearts in praise. 


A line from the Gospel on Good Friday has stayed with me for a week in regard to movement. 

So Judas got a band of soldiers and guards from the chief priests and the Pharisees and went there with lanterns, torches, and weapons. Jesus, knowing everything that was going to happen to him, went out and said to them, “Whom are you looking for?”

They answered him, “Jesus the Nazorean.”

He said to them, “I AM.”

Judas his betrayer was also with them. When he said to them, “I AM,” they turned away and fell to the ground. (John 18:3-6)

Upon His arrest, Jesus answers, "I AM," and the guard turned away and fell to the ground.   

The power of the name of Jesus, the Word of God, moves. It creates. It heals. It inspires - literally breathing life into the dead. It brings people to their knees, either in fear or in reverence. It rolls away stones. 

Jesus's name, words, and life move the world. 

From His sorrowful passion to His Resurrection to the many encounters that He had with the disciples after conquering sin and death, Jesus's insertion into time and place has caused ripples that continue to emanate outward throughout the world and down through the centuries. Jesus has catalyzed the "missionary thrust" that continues to move in our ministry: 

And so, now as in the past, the Catholic school must be able to speak for itself effectively and convincingly. It is not merely a question of adaptation, but of missionary thrust, the fundamental duty to evangelize, to go towards men and women wherever they are, so that they may receive the gift of salvation. (Congregation for Catholic Education, #3)

A short review of the Octave of Easter reveals more movement, more action:

  • Easter Vigil: Mary Magdalene, Mary, the mother of James, and Salome bring spices to anoint Christ's body. The stone "had been rolled back; it was very large." Mary Magdalene, Mary and Salome go and tell Peter and the disciples that Jesus will meet them in Galilee (Mark 16:1-7). 
  • Easter Sunday: Mary Magdalene goes to the tomb early in the morning. The stone is removed and she runs to tell Peter and John. Peter and John run to the tomb, with John running faster than Peter. They go into the empty tomb (John 20:1-9).
  • Easter Monday: Mary Magdalene and Mary (the mother of James) leave the tomb and run to announce the news to Jesus's disciples. They approach Jesus, who encounters the Marys on their way to the disciples, embrace His feet, and do Him homage. They continue on their way to tell the disciples (Matthew 28:8-15). 
  • Easter Tuesday: Mary Magdalene, after encountering the risen Jesus, goes and announces to the disciples all that Jesus had told her (John 20:11-18). 
  • Easter Wednesday: The disciples on the road to Emmaus, after walking 7 miles to get there and enjoying an encounter and meal with the risen Jesus, "set out at once and returned to Jerusalem where they found gathered together the Eleven...(and) the two recounted what had taken place on the way and how he was made known to them in the breaking of the bread" (Luke 24:13-35). For those keeping score, that's 14 miles!
  • Easter Thursday: The disciples touch Jesus and give Him a piece of baked fish to eat (Luke 24:35-48).
  • Easter Friday: The disciples, upon the suggestion of Jesus, throw their nets to the right side of the boat and catch 153 fish. After recognizing Jesus, Peter tucks in his garnet, jumps out of his boat and swims ashore. The disciples eat bread and fish with Christ (John 21:1-14).
  • Easter Saturday: Mary Magdalene goes and tells the disciples that she has encountered the risen Jesus. The two disciples on the road to Emmaus return to tell the other disciples about their encounter with Jesus. Jesus then appears to the disciples who were eating and says to them: “Go into the whole world and proclaim the Gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:9-15). See the Acts of the Apostles for the movement that this inspired.    
  • Divine Mercy Sunday: Thomas touches the risen Christ and believes (John 20:19-31).    


Running. Telling. Announcing. Acting. Eating.  


Jesus is who He says He is. He conquered sin and death. He's inviting all of us into relationship with Him. 
