Tuesday, March 5, 2013


In the Gospel from today's Celebration of the Eucharist, Peter asks Jesus how many times he is to forgive, “Lord, if my brother sins against me, how often must I forgive him? As many as seven times?” 

Jesus answers, “I say to you, not seven times but seventy-seven times." (Matthew 18: 21 - 22). 

Of course, Jesus responds this way so as to make a point: don't worry about the number, just do what is right. He isn't being literal but rather so over-exaggerated that he is telling Peter to forgive without counting the cost. 

Do what is right. Period. All the time. Every day. Always. All ways. Unremittingly. Unabashedly. 

It is an exhausting call. There is no chance to rest. There are no days off. Being good doesn't take a vacation. Go and make a big difference in the world today, or even in just someone's life, and do it all over again tomorrow. In fact, do even more. Do it even better. Do it for longer. Find another way to do good and do it to the best of your abilities.  You can't store up good deeds: I've met my quota today! Or, I've already done five good things today; I can be mean four times! 

The world of education is very similar. The end of a unit is followed by the beginning of another one. The close of a quarter is met by the opening of another. Even though there is a summer in between school years, the grade levels reset every August. Start all over. Do it again and do it better. Grade a set of papers just to have four more come across your desk. Call a parent just to have another show up at your door. Deal with a disciplinary problem only to have it repeated tomorrow. Look for  a dynamic way to present material only to have to figure out a way to have an absent student get caught up. Matriculate one group of students only to receive another. 

It is an exhausting call. There is no chance to rest. There are no days off (because there is still school even when you're not there). Being an educator doesn't take a vacation - you'll most likely run into one of your student's families! You are always an educator. You are always educating. 

Seven times? Seventy-seven times? Seventy-seven times seventy-seven times.? Try all the time. Every day. Always. All ways. Unremittingly. Unabashedly. 

Educate. Do good. Love. Live.

It's time to begin and continue and never stop. 
